MUSIC / SCORE"The non-traditional concert format was persuasive and engaging. With the musical selections neatly complementing the dialogue (and Alsop's occasional commentary), Analyze This: Mahler and Freud© fulfilled its mission of shedding light on the personal side of Mahler, making him and his art seem all the more real and immediate.
There was a palpable sense of connection between stage and hall Saturday night -- and you can't overestimate the value of that.” Selected musical highlights for Analyze This: Mahler and Freud© include excerpts from Mahler’s symphonies and song cycles, and lieder by Alma Mahler. The female singer/actress performs lieder by Alma and Gustav, and threads melodic lines/themes from their songs throughout the program, linking Mahler’s orchestral music with the dramatic script to create a seamless classical music theatre experience. |